Scientific Abstracts
Key Dates for the Submission of Abstracts
The Pan American Congress of Rheumatology 2025 is approaching, and we want to make sure you don't miss any of the critical dates for submitting your research. The platform for uploading and submitting abstracts will be available soon, and we will share more information shortly.
Please note that the deadline to submit your abstract is December 30, 2024, and there will be no extensions. Submission deadline time: 6:00 P.M. (GMT-6), Mexico City time, CDMX, Mexico.
1. DEADLINE: The deadline for submission of abstracts will be December 30, 2024, 6:00 p.m. Mexico City, Mexico (CST). There will be no extension.
All abstracts for the 27th Pan-American Congress of Rheumatology shall be submitted electronically through the system that will be enabled for this purpose. Abstracts cannot be sent by fax, printed copy, or email.
2. REGISTRATION: You can submit your work without being registered. The presenting author shall be registered to make their presentation during the congress.
If your work is accepted, your presenting author will have access to the early bird rate until February 26, 2025, to register for the congress.
3. PUBLICATION: Accepted abstracts will be published in the PANLAR journal Global Rheumatology.
4. ABSTRACT LIMIT: There are no restrictions on the number of abstracts an author can submit or present at the Congress.
5. LANGUAGE: Abstracts shall be written in English. Tables, figures, and abbreviations shall be in English. Abstracts that are not in English will not be evaluated.
If you are not fluent in English, seek help to write your abstract. Poor English writing will be grounds for disapproval.
Once the abstract is accepted, the PPT (for oral presentation) or the poster shall be done in English. The presentation at the congress can be made in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.
6. CHARACTERISTICS: Use plain language, avoiding complex characters or formulas.
Abstracts will be structured as: Background/Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
7. CHARACTER LIMIT: The limit is 2,500 characters for the text of your abstract and references, including spaces and punctuation (this does not include author information, title, or keywords).
You are allowed to include 1 image and 1 table; or 2 images, or 2 tables. Figures, tables, and images included in the abstract shall be referenced in the text. Tables shall be created with the corresponding tool in the form, they should not be uploaded as an image.
8. EVALUATION: To preserve the peer-review process, do not include any information (e.g., author name or institution) in the body of your work.
9. REFERENCES: are not mandatory (we advise against their use). In the exceptional case of using them, the limit is two (2) adopting the standard format of the publication (Global Rheumatology).
10. CITATIONS: shall comply with Vancouver standards, shall be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text, in Arabic numerals in parentheses and not as super or subscript. Example:
Author Name(s), Article Title. Journal or Book Title. Volume, number, year, Pages. Available at: URL.
11. Follow the instructions on the screen to access the abstract submission form. Complete all fields of the form.
12. DECLARATION: The system will ask the presenter to complete a declaration of relevant funding sources to finalize the submission.
13. TYPE OF PRESENTATION: You shall select a preferred type of presentation (Oral or Poster) and the corresponding topic from the following options:
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Crystal Arthropathy
- Basic Sciences
- Education in Rheumatology
- Epidemiology (includes socioeconomic, sociocultural, and gender equity studies)
- Spondylarthritis
- Fibromyalgia and Pain
- Imaging
- Infections (including COVID-19)
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Pediatric Rheumatology
- Sjogren's and other systemic autoimmune diseases
- Vasculitis and related diseases
- Miscellaneous
The decision on the type of presentation will be made by the Evaluation Committee.
14. AUTHORS: Please enter the names of the authors in the order in which they should appear in the header of the abstract.
It is the responsibility of the person submitting the abstract to correctly print the full names of the other authors, which will be reproduced in the certificate as they were submitted (if accepted).
Confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be sent to the email address provided in the abstract.
The contact author will receive all notifications related to the abstract and will be responsible for informing the co-authors of its status.
15. REVIEW OF YOUR ABSTRACT: Carefully review your work. Make sure that all special characters and formatting are displayed correctly in your final draft. If you find errors, return to the corresponding page to correct them. It is the author's responsibility to submit the work correctly.
16. COMPLETION OF SUBMISSION: Once all fields are completed, abstracts may be saved in the “Final Submission” state. Only abstracts saved in “Final Submission” will be considered successfully submitted and considered for the Congress. abstracts submitted or saved as in progress or drafts cannot be edited after the submission deadline.
CANCELED abstracts will not be considered for evaluation.
17. NOTICES: will be sent by email in mid-February 2025.
The decision of the Evaluation Committee will be irrevocable and there will be no instances of review of the evaluation.
18. PRESENTATION: For accepted abstracts, it is mandatory that the presenting author presents the work on the day and time assigned at the Congress, in person.
19. CERTIFICATE: A single certificate will be issued per abstracts, which will include all authors in the order in which they were submitted.
20. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: If you have any difficulties during the submission process, please contact
21. Abstracts previously presented at other congresses: may be accepted at the PANLAR 2025 congress provided the copyright of the other event, conference or congress is not violated.
Authors are strongly encouraged to add new data generated between the previous presentation and the PANLAR 2025 abstract submission deadline.
If your abstract has been previously presented at another congress, it will only be considered for poster presentation by the organizing committee.
If the work has been previously presented at another congress, it shall be indicated in the corresponding section.
PANLAR recomendations
Before submitting your work, please consider the following:
- Dedicate time to writing: Make sure not to leave the writing of your abstract for the last minute before the deadline. Proper planning will allow you to present a more complete and higher quality work.
- Read and follow the instructions: To increase your chances of selection, it is essential to comply with all the guidelines and requirements established in the initial instructions provided by the evaluation committee. This includes aspects such as the format of tables and figures, as well as any other specific details indicated in the guidelines.
- Review the English writing: Remember that abstracts shall be submitted in English. Assess your language skills and, if necessary, seek help from competent reviewers to ensure the accuracy and quality of the English writing in your abstract.
- Clarity and scientific rigor: Make sure your abstract is clear, concise, and focuses on the most important aspects of your research. Maintain a focus on scientific rigor and, in the case of presenting clinical cases, highlight the practical lessons for the specialty.
- Comply with thematic requirements: Make sure your abstract is aligned with the thematic areas and methodologies relevant to the Congress. Make sure your work fits the specific categories announced for the event.
- Planning and review: Do not underestimate the importance of planning and thorough review. Take the necessary time to review and correct your abstract before submitting it. This will ensure the quality and accuracy of your presentation.
- References and citations: Make sure to follow the appropriate citation and reference standards in your abstract, if applicable.
- Maintain a high ethical standard in the presentation of scientific abstracts.
- Final review: Before submitting your abstract, do a final review to ensure that it complies with all the guidelines and recommendations mentioned above.